1. Any member of The CannaClub has free access to—
1.1. onsite education sessions every Friday at 09h00-11h00;
1.2. The CannaClub’s free online cultivation workshop modules; and
1.3. WhatsApp support, member input and feedback for cultivating members.
2. All members are invited for social functions, which include participation in active cultivation sessions, during—
2.1. the cultivation cycle of the Stokvel Cannabis plants, for example when—
2.1.1. taking clones from mothers - baby time;
2.1.2. transplanting clones for vegetation - junior time;
2.1.3. planting of planters in the outdoor patch - juvenile & adult time; and
2.1.4. harvesting;
2.2. Cannabis Cup/ festival events;
2.3. The CannaClub functions, which provide exposure to local DJs; and
2.4. Social events during in season.
2.5 Any Member is welcome to make an appointment with our cultivators to provide assistance or acquire advice/skills/knowledge.
3. Members also participate in the cultivation of their Stokvel Cannabis crop via social media and online activities and updates, including:
3.1. a bi-weekly members update on YouTube;
3.2. daily members updates on Facebook and/or Instagram;
3.3. a live stream video feed of cultivation areas on The CannaClub website (under development);
3.4. The CannaClub website with vast educational material, links and a blog; and
3.5. WhatsApp support and member input and feedback for cultivating members.
4. Practical cultivation experience and training
4.1. Members can apply through our PRO for the following Club House training courses:
4.1.1.The CannaClub accredited Budtender: 5 days (09h00-16h00) at R150 per day (excluding transport, food & accommodation), is R750 in total;
4.1.2. The CannaClub accredited Club House Manager: The abovementioned accreditation as well as an invitation to continue, plus 10 days (09h00-19h00) at R150 per day (excluding transport, food & accommodation), is R1500 in total.
4.1.3. Members can apply through our PRO for cultivation and solventless extraction workshops.
4.2. The CannaClub members can apply with the Scissor Sisters for training courses:
4.2.1. The CannaClub accredited Bud Trimmer: 3 days (09h00-16h00) at R150 per day (excluding transport, food & accommodation), is R450 in total; and
4.2.2. The CannaClub accredited Processor and Packager: The above accreditation as well as an invitation to continue, plus 1 week / 7 consecutive days, (09h00-19h00) at R150 per day (excluding, transport, food & accommodation), is R1050 in total.
4.3. The CannaClub members can apply through our PRO for a 4 week The CannaClub accredited internship:
4.3.1. 3 Weeks training of Club House Management/
4.3.2. 1 Week training of Processing & Packaging through The Scissor Sisters.
4.3.3. 32 Hours training of cultivation through Green Herizon & TCC cultivation service providers.
4.3.4. 5 Hours of educational sessions regarding ENCOD Club Model, business management & social media management through The CannaClub’s PRO and CEO.