Step 1 - Do your research. We would suggest starting by studying :
1. The SAPS directive related to Cannabis, issued in September 2023, which can be found here. Furthermore a summary of the directive can be found here.
2. The latest proposed Cannabis for private purposes bill, which can be found here. Furthermore a summary of the bill can be found here
3. Fields of Green for All Manifesto, which can be found here.
4. In addition , we highly recommend acquiring the Private Cannabis Club - Framework & Manual for set-up & management from Cradlestoned Quality Solutions, which can be found here.
Step 2 - Obtain reliable legal advice for your unique situations/ model of operation/ constitution/ compliance/ management systems. We steadvastly recommend Harambe Solutions. Harambe Solutions is a partnership betweeen Mr. Brett Pollack, legal consultant, who can be reached at 27 83 560 7410, and Ms. Marleen Theunissen, compliance consultant, who can be reached at +27 76 610 9723 .
The CannaClub is Harambe approved.
Step 3 - Visit other clubs and understand their model of operation. If you are not in a position to have a Member’s club house and a cultivation/ processing area on the same premises, or simply wish to be a Club house, or a cultivation operation, we would highly recommend that you connect with operational & existing groups such as Grow One Africa or High Street Network.
If you are interested in opening up a Micro club with a small - medium size grow operation on one premises, have a look at the links below for sample documentation :