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NANO FLOWER & FRUIT - 1 foliar sprays before & during flower stage or 2 sprays in flower stage.


  • Formulated with essential nutrients as a replacement to fertilizer to lower costs or can be used as an additive to fertilizer.
  • Used for enhancing stem, leaf, flower, bud & fruit development aswell as quality.
  • Enhances vascular development & stem strengthening for water uptake & water use efficiency for optimal flower & fruiting. Increases nutrient uptake.
  • Increases stem, leaf & flower health.
  • Increases shoot growth.
  • Increases additional chlorophyll & photosynthesis production for optimal glucose production. Increases brix levels. Increases grain filling, size & weight.
  • Increases abiotic & biotic stress resistance. Increases yield & quality of harvest. Can be used on all plants & crops.

Application : 1:200 (1ml with 200ml water covers 10m2 / 1lt with 200lts water covers 1 hectare).

NanoGrow Flower & Fruit

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