• In terms of fulfilling our Rapid Economic Transformation initiatives. These are based on 3 different African Agricultural Awakening strategies. The development of The Scissor Sisters, The House of Rastafari Growers Co-Op, and Black Joint, are the prime drives. More information is available on this website about these initiatives and how you can support them which can be found here.
• The CannaClub & Growers Co-Op is blessed to have more than 2000 members at present and is fast approaching the ability to Cultivate the maximum amount of plants in flower (Which is 1000 as defined by our Growers Mandate in our Constitution).
• Instead of expanding we want to pass these opportunities on to emerging Scissor Sister Processors & Trimmers, House of Rastafari Contract Cultivation & Care Givers, black owned Insangu Development Corporation Private Social Cannabis Clubs, as well as black owned Insangu Development Corporation Regional Cannabis Processing Hubs as per the government master plan.